Read your sign’s 2024 horoscope to see what’s in store for you this year, or check out the Cancer personality profile.
Happy June, Cancer. Last month, your May horoscope saw you re-thinking approaches to pleasure, whether you got kinky or swore off sex. This month brings your birthday! While there is some spiritual work to be done and trauma to be addressed, you can expect a pretty chill, fun start to Cancer season.
The dive into your subconscious begins as chatty Mercury, the messenger of the gods, enters Gemini and your shadowy 12th House on Monday, June 3. This transit encourages you to confront and work through old traumas. While it’s a challenging process, it’s also a crucial step toward healing. During this period, prioritize self-care and allow yourself some guilt-free, selfish moments, even if that’s as small as deciding to treat yourself to a cute summer manicure. Remember: If you don’t schedule time off, your health often does it for you (at inconvenient moments).
Later that week, the sky goes dark with a new moon, also in Gemini, on Thursday, June 6. This lunar event offers a fresh start, whether it’s in love, career, personal healing—or hey, all three! You can be a little bit selfish this month, Cancer. Embrace this opportunity to release something from your past that continues to weigh on you. That thing you beat yourself up over? It’s officially time to let it go.
Saturday, June 8 sees hot-headed Mars moving into luxurious Taurus, shining red-hot energy on your friendships. I should warn you that there’s a chance that a few of you Cancers might end up checking out, or even hooking up with, one of your friends. And if that’s totally off the menu, then know that this transit also indicates any kind of delightful debauchery with your pals. It’s Saturday, so it’s okay to stay out a little late and get into the right amount of trouble.
On Sunday, June 16, lover Venus dances into your sign, helping you feel adored by family, whether that’s chosen or blood. This day also brings Father’s Day, which can induce joy but also nostalgia or grief, particularly if your relationship with your dad is complicated. The good news is that, with Venus in your sign, you’re going to feel plenty adored on this day. In fact, even if you do have a healthy and happy relationship with your pops, you still might need to set an alarm to remember to text him as you’re having so much fun with friends.
After the weekend, you’ll have a calm and productive work week to look forward to, thanks to Mercury moving out of Gemini and into your sign on Monday, June 17, boosting your communicative abilities, not to mention charm, helping you to express your needs and desires effectively. Use this energy to assert yourself and clarify your boundaries.
Finally, get excited, and make sure to have a party planned, because Thursday, June 20 marks the start of Cancer season. Happy solar return! It’s also the Summer Solstice, coinciding with the witchy holiday of Litha (a time when they say the fairies come out of hiding to party with the humans). Celebrate your birthday and the longest day of the year by enjoying some glam leisure and even getting away for the weekend if your schedule and budget can swing it.
Your attention turns to relationships around the Capricorn full moon on Friday, June 21, which illuminates your 7th House of Partnership. This could be a pivotal day for either beginning a new professional partnership, taking a romantic relationship to the next level, or both. Full moons can be a little stressful but this one should see you manifesting something welcome and positive. It helps that, on the same day, Mercury in Cancer forms a sextile with Mars in Taurus, providing you with the clarity and assertiveness you need to express your feelings and desires openly.
The month closes with strict Saturn going retrograde in Pisces on Saturday, June 29, affecting your 9th House of Philosophy. While this retrograde isn’t worth stressing over, as you might during Mercury’s backward dance, you should be prepared to let your spiritual beliefs, and even your own moral compass, evolve and change around this time. As a cardinal water sign, meaning that you come first of all the emotional fellow water signs (Scorpio and Pisces), you’re a spiritual trendsetter. Don’t be too annoyed if self-help techniques or rituals you develop during Saturn’s retrograde are super trendy on TikTok several months after you discovered them.
Important dates in June 2024:
Monday, June 3: Mercury enters Gemini
Thursday, June 6: New moon in Gemini
Saturday, June 8: Mars enters Taurus
Sunday, June 16: Venus enters Cancer
Monday, June 17: Mercury enters Cancer
Wednesday, June 19: Vesta enters Leo
Thursday, June 20: Sun enters Cancer
Friday, June 21: Full moon in Capricorn
Saturday, June 29: Saturn goes retrograde
To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of June 2024 horoscopes.